Sacramental Theology | Prepared to Give an Answer

Church traditions and early Christian texts often use language I used to be wholly unfamiliar with growing up in an Evangelical Protestant context—entering their circles brings you to a lot of strange Latin phrases, jargon, and philosophical vocabulary. One of the first examples of this I encountered was the idea of “sacramental” theology.

The idea is so simple, but it changes everything: it’s the belief that physical things can have spiritual effects.

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but the Lord was not in the wind | (freeform)

When I was young, I used to lay under the covers and clench a muscle in my jaw that made the ever-present hissing in my ears rise in pitch, just for a moment, and then fall to something like a ringing rain, something that sounded like what the thousands of tiny pinpricks in my vision looked like in the dark. Hiss. Clench. Ring. Rain. Sleep.

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